Mitchell Odyssey Foundation Impact

The Odyssey School Program targeted schools in urban and more remote areas of BC with high percentage of underrepresented students - including rural, First Nations and students with socio-economic challenges – that had less access to enrichment opportunities and resources. Educators were empowered to make transformative changes in the way science was taught inside and outside the classroom. Odyssey educators were responsible and accountable for how resources were used and resources were applied at the teacher/student level with greatest efficiency. Educators found that the planning required for a multi-year Odyssey program helped create a specialized focus on STEM skill development and longer-term strategic goals - beyond shorter-term objectives and tactics within each school year.

New lab equipment and resources created a more tactile and participatory learning environment. Innovative teaching practices utilized new technology to transform how students learn - through flipped classroom concepts, Skype sessions with virtual guest scientists and experts; and access to visual scientific demonstrations and information not available in a text books. Personalized learning helped students develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills and personal interests while developing a passion for science.

A strong focus on sustainability ensured Odyssey resources permeated across entire science departments, schools and school districts. Involvement with local industry and community enriched the relevance of scientific concepts and provided essential career role models and unique development opportunities for students. Professional development for educators during the annual Odyssey Symposium stimulated new ideas, collaboration and resource sharing amongst educators, scientists and engineers. 

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The Mitchell Odyssey Foundation leveraged its funding investments strategically to transform 21st century education and personalized learning through innovative practices that inspire STEM engagement in 79 school communities throughout BC.  MOF positively impacted and engaged over 50,000 students annually across grades 7 – 12 with innovative, hands-on STEM learning, and inspired new teaching practices amongst educators.


The Mitchell Odyssey Foundation Legacy

Each Odyssey School Program has been a catalyst within each school community to develop innovative programs, create unique teaching resources, enrich learning experiences and develop centers of excellence in STEM learning. Best practices have been shared within the Odyssey network, across School Districts, and with STEM outreach providers during the annual Odyssey Symposium. MOF has provided STEM enrichment support, diffused innovative teaching practices across BC, and helped reverse the trend of declining enrollment in STEM post-secondary and careers.

The Mitchell Odyssey Foundation is one of the founding members of the BC Science Charter and key elements from MOF programs have been integrated into the Symbiosis STEAM Learning Ecosystem launched in 2017 in Vancouver and Prince George.